Senior C # Computer Developer (M / F)

Référence : #PHM0004

Cadres & Tech company specializes in the recruitment of Qualified Technical Leaders and Profiles looking for a company in the medical sector a senior C # computer developer.

Place :

This post is based on the outskirts of Lille.

Poste :

The company is the service provider of a group of pharmacists. Based near Lille, it offers its members a wide range of highly operational and high quality services. Some of these services are based on tools using innovative technologies and the IT Department must have a team of the most powerful.

The position is part of a development and maintenance team. It is versatile and can support the development of the entire production chain of an application or feature.

As his business skills increase, he will also participate in the business design of the applications.

  He will also participate in the definition of the technical architecture of the applications.

The main components of the position are:

– Functional and technical analysis (architecture) according to specifications

– Improved good development practices in .NET

– Documentation (Architecture folder, database diagrams, application diagrams, technical documentation …)

– Improve the implementation of Continuous Integration tools.

– Developer coaching

Profile :

Minimum level required: bac + 2.

Experience required: 5 to 10 years minimum

– Mastery of .net technologies and software: Visual studio / rider, Resharper, tool of access and queries in a database …

– Master of TU Framework, Continuous Integration

– Mastery of database design (Merise, UML Entities / Relations diagrams, Class Diagram …)

– Domain Driven Design knowledge

– Curiosity

– Strength of proposal

– Willingness to evolve in technical knowledge but also profession

– Team work

– palatability for technical architecture

– palatability for functional applications and associated design

Remuneration :

To be negotiated according to the experience.

Write (CV + salary requirements) to .

Apply / Postuler :

Remplissez le formulaire suivant / Fulfill the following contact form :


    En envoyant ma candidature, j’accepte d’être contacté par Cadres & Tech, je valide ma candidature et les conditions d’utilisation. J’autorise Cadres & Tech à collecter, conserver et utiliser mes données personnelles à des fins de recrutement et pour une durée maximale de deux ans en vue d’opportunités de postes que le cabinet pourrait me proposer.

    By sending my application, I agree to be contacted by Cadres & Tech, I confirm my application and the conditions of use. I authorize Cadres & Tech to collect, store and use personal data for recruitment purposes and a maximum duration of two years for job opportunities that the firm could offer me.

    Conformément à la Loi du 6 Janvier 1978, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition aux données qui vous concernent. Pour consulter la rubrique “Informatique & Libertés”, rendez-vous sur la page des conditions générales d’utilisation.
    En validant votre candidature, vous acceptez ces conditions d’utilisations de vos données.

    In accordance with the Law of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to data concerning you. To consult the section “IT & Freedoms”, go to the page of the general conditions of use.
    By validating your application, you accept these conditions of use of your data.